Chia Bread Mix – Eclaire

Mr.Passart Wongprom (Chef Mhee)
Mr.Passart Wongprom (Chef Mhee)
The following recipe has been designed for a home baking environment and equipment. If you wish to view our industrial recipe click here.
22 pieces
00h 05
00h 25

Preparation Time: 5 minutes

Proofing and Resting Time: none

Baking Time: approx. 25 minutes

Outcome: 22 pieces


Tools needed: mixer including bowl, kitchen scale, pastry bag, baking tray, baking sheet and 3 iced cubes.

Ingredients and Method


  • 125 g Chia bread mix
  • 125 g Wheat flour (Type 550)
  • 420 g Water
  • 125 g Butter
  • 315 g Eggs, approx.


  1. Combine the water and butter in a pot, heat until the butter has melted then bring to a boil.
  2. Reduce heat to a low heat and keep stirring while adding Chia bread mix and Wheat flour (Type 550).
  3. Increase the heat to a medium heat and stir for 2 – 3 minutes or until the mixture smooths out and leaves the sides of the pot.
  4. Remove the pot from the heat. Transfer the mixture to a mixer and beat to cool. The temperature of the mixture needs to be below 50° C.
  5. Add eggs one at a time, beating well to incorporate completely after each addition. After adding the last egg, mix until smooth. When you lift the beater, the batter should slowly fall into a thick ribbon.
  6. Pipe the dough on the baking sheets, approx. 50 g, in your preferred shape. We recommend long and oval.
  7. The oven should have a temperature of 200° C when you put the eclaires in. We recommend putting 2 – 3 ice cubes on the bottom of the oven to get a steaming effect for a nice crust.
  8. Bake the eclaires for approx. 25 minutes or until get a medium golden brown.
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